12B/18 Groves Ave.
Mulgrave, NSW
Tel: (02) 8806 3557
In partnership with:
?With our VoIP telecommunication services you can expect reliability, flexibility, added control and friendly support, all at a lower cost.
We offer some of the best telephony cloud solutions! Whether you are an existing large business, small startup or mobile freelancer. We have a solution for you!
It’s the 21st century. Who has time for a fax machine? Save time and hassle with faxes sent to your email.?
Whether you want an office phone, softphone or redirection, you setup your phone how you want!
Need to update a holiday voicemail? Need to add another handset? All done with a few simple clicks in your portal.?
Don’t wait till you get to the office to hear your voicemails. Get them sent straight to your email.
Never miss a call again. Create a call flow that suits your business.
Don’t deal with an overseas call centre. Speak with someone in Australia whenever you call us.
We aren’t like the big telco’s, big, mean and scary! We are fun, easy going and want you to be the best business you can be… With our friendly staff we always want our customer to be able to stress less. The last thing you want on your mind is to sort out a phone plan. So why are you waiting? Sign up today and bring on a stress free phone solution!
Complete our form online and our provision team will contact you within 24 hours! Sometimes it’s within minutes!?
Make changes within seconds, with 24/7 access to our portal. No need for any change requests to us.
We know how important it is to keep your business number. It’s something your customers have learnt to remember and trust. We can help you port your number from your old telco over to us. Whether it be 1 or 100 numbers, we will help you port them over as swiftly as we can.?
You existing number is valuable! Keep it when you come to us.?
Through your portal, you can submit a port from your old carrier to us.
For our VoIP telecommunication services, we partner with Wiree as they provide the best solutions for large businesses, small startups and individual sole traders. Their solutions allow for a flexible setup that suits your needs as well as scalability for the growing business. They understand that the modern office isn’t limited to 4 walls but travels with us, giving us options for our telephone system to do the same.
Stop paying too much for an inflexible and dated service.
With VoIP telecommunications, you can enjoy the benefits of flexibility and reliability, all at a lower cost than traditional phone line.
Sound good? Get started today!