What Role Does BCDR have in Business Continuity Planning?

Posted by: Amira Bird

December 01, 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of today’s business world, organisations face a myriad of challenges that can disrupt operations. From natural disasters to cyber threats, the potential for disruptions is vast. This is where Business Continuity Planning (BCP) comes in. Planning ahead for the success of your business, even in the face of disaster is key. 


Understanding Business Continuity 

Before we dive into the role of BCDR, let’s get a better understanding of business continuity. Business continuity refers to a business’s ability to maintain essential functions and recover quickly from disruptions. These disruptions can range from natural disasters to human-made incidents. Examples include earthquakes, floods, cyber-attacks or equipment failure. 

What is Business Continuity Planning (BCP)? 

BCP is the proactive approach organisations take to ensure that they can continue essential operations during and after a disruption. At its core, Business Continuity Planning is a comprehensive strategy that encompasses policies, procedures, and technologies to ensure a business’s key business functions can continue, or be quickly resumed, in the face of serious incidents. 

It involves identifying potential risks, developing strategies for risk management, and implementing measures to ensure seamless operations during adverse conditions. Steps for BCP include risk assessment, impact analysis, and the development of a robust framework to manage and mitigate disruptions effectively. 


The Difference Between BCP and BCDR 

While Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) are often used interchangeably, they represent distinct aspects within the broader framework of ensuring organisational resilience. Understanding the differences between the two is crucial for developing a comprehensive strategy for safeguarding against disruptions. 

The primary focus of BCP is to ensure that, in the event of a disruption, an organisation can continue its essential functions with minimal downtime. This involves the development of policies, procedures, and resources to mitigate risks and facilitate the resilience of the entire business. 

BCDR, on the other hand, is a subset of BCP that specifically addresses the recovery aspect. It consists of two main components: Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC). 


The Role of BCDR in Business Continuity Planning 

As a subset of Business Continuity Planning, BCDR involves the implementation of measures to restore operations to a normal state after a disruptive event. 

Disaster Recovery (DR) 

DR specifically deals with the IT infrastructure and data aspects of an organisation. It involves creating backups, establishing redundant systems, and implementing recovery procedures to ensure the swift restoration of IT services in the event of a disaster. 

Business Continuity (BC) 

BC, on the other hand, is a broader concept that extends beyond IT. It involves strategies for ensuring that all aspects of an organisation, including personnel, facilities, and communications, can continue functioning during and after a disruption. 

The Integration of BCDR into BCP 

For an effective Business Continuity Plan, you must seamlessly integrate BCDR. This means that your IT systems are capable of rapid recovery through BCDR. And, the entire organisation has plans in place to ensure the continuity of all critical functions. 


Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

Key Steps in Business Continuity Planning 

Creating a business continuity plan is a structured process that involves comprehensive assessment, planning, and ongoing refinement. Here are the key steps to guide organisations in developing a robust BCP. 

1. Risk Assessment 

The foundation of any BCP is a thorough risk assessment. Identify and evaluate potential threats and risks that could disrupt your business operations. This includes natural disasters, cyber-attacks, supply chain disruptions, and other events that may impact critical functions. 

2. Business Impact Analysis (BIA) 

Conduct a Business Impact Analysis to understand the potential consequences of identified risks on different business processes. Assess the financial, operational, and reputational impacts to prioritise critical functions that require immediate attention during a disruption. 

3. Develop a BCP Team 

Establish a dedicated BCP team or designate individuals within existing teams to oversee the development and execution of the plan. This team should have representation from key departments and be led by someone with the authority to make critical decisions during a crisis. 

4. Strategy Formulation 

Based on the risk assessment and BIA, develop business continuity strategies to mitigate the impact of disruptions. This may involve creating redundant systems, establishing alternative work locations, and implementing communication plans to ensure stakeholders are informed during a crisis. 

5. Plan Documentation 

Document the BCP in a comprehensive and accessible format. Include detailed procedures, contact lists, and resource requirements. Ensure that the plan is well-organised, easy to understand, and regularly updated to reflect changes in the business environment. 

6. Training and Awareness 

Train employees at all levels on their roles and responsibilities during a business disruption. Conduct regular drills and simulations to ensure that everyone is familiar with the BCP and can respond effectively in a real-world scenario. 

7. Communication Strategies 

Develop communication protocols for internal and external stakeholders. Establish clear lines of communication during a crisis to keep employees, customers, suppliers, and other relevant parties informed about the situation and the steps being taken. 

8. Testing and Exercising 

Regularly test and update the BCP through tabletop exercises, simulations, or full-scale drills. Testing helps identify weaknesses in the plan and allows for adjustments to improve its effectiveness. 

9. Continuous Improvement 

Business continuity is an ongoing process. Regularly review and update the BCP to account for changes in the business environment, technology, and organisational structure. Incorporate lessons learned from actual incidents and exercises to continuously enhance the plan. 

10. Collaboration with Partners 

If your business relies on external partners or suppliers, collaborate with them to ensure they also have robust continuity plans. This collaboration ensures a more seamless recovery process, especially in interconnected industries. 

Here at Sydney ICT, we are a go-to partner for BCDR. We have a strong track record in creating disaster recovery plans that keep your essential IT infrastructure up and running in the face of disaster. Talk to us today about your requirements and we can put together a tailored solution that meets your needs and budget. 


Business Continuity Planning is a holistic approach to safeguarding an organisation against disruptions. BCDR plays a pivotal role in this by ensuring that, in the face of adversity, an organisation can not only recover its IT systems but also sustain all essential operations. As businesses continue to navigate an increasingly complex landscape, a robust BCDR strategy becomes not just a necessity but a strategic imperative for long-term success.  

While we hope your Business Continuity Disaster Recovery plan isn’t ever needed, we know that the cost of BCDR is less than the cost of losing data, clients, or your brand reputation. Get in touch today to find out how we can help support your business in the face of unforeseeable disaster. 


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