Apple Solutions for Education

Posted by: Amira Bird

February 18, 2021

The current generation of students are digital natives, they learn how to use a phone and tablet before learning to speak. As their education progresses, technology should be there to enable their learning.  


Schools have newfound responsibility, they no longer simply have to spoon feed information and guide their students on the path to their desired career. Instead, schools need to prepare students for the next generation of careers and challenges that are yet to exist.  


In 2020 alone, educational needs have forced education technology to evolve faster than it has in any previous years. This year, schools had to take on the challenges of remote learning and online collaboration. As we see the new-normal adapt and evolve, educators today need to prepare students for tomorrow. Curriculums need to be responsive and quickly adapt to changes in the world. Skills have been re-prioritised and students need to learn to use technology to solve problems, collaborate effectively and express ideas in new ways. This new normal has also led to growing concerns over security and safety online from guardians and teachers.  


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Technology in the Classroom


Classrooms have transformed in many ways; from traditional blackboards, chalk boards and white boards to the smart and collaborative classrooms they are today.  


Classrooms are such an essential part of education; conventional classrooms account for approximately 75% of all spaces in schools in Australia and New Zealand.  


As we further embrace the new normal, the value of classroom space may decrease as we see a shift to more blended learning. It is likely that the focus of the classroom will shift away from physical space and more towards a focus on technology. 


It is not just students that are calling for more technology in the classroom, a third of Australian parents believe that innovations in classroom technology offer children new opportunities to engage with learning. 


Teachers agree with the parents too, 48% of teachers believe in using digital learning to engage students.  


It is no surprise that there is such a demand for technology in the classroom – technology enables teachers to simplify teaching and learning. Not only can teachers set up a remote class in minutes, they can create and share work easily and automate communications with guardians. 


Alongside automated guardian communications, teachers can also streamline student feedback with fast, personalised responses to automatically graded work. Teachers can measure their students’ success with consistent grading and transparency by integrating rubrics into students’ work and by installing applications that scan work for potential plagiarism. 



Apple education devices



Technology in Schools


Upgrading the digital environment elevates teaching and learning with advanced security controls and enhanced collaboration tools. Technology not only facilitates in teaching the curriculum, but as more roles become increasingly automated, technical skills become a vital practical skill. The Australian public believe that schools need to teach more vocational skills, with 90% agreeing they should place a higher value on practical vocational skills. 


Technology has also enabled student’s guardians to be more connected and involved with their children’s education. The technology installed in schools streamlines the connection with educators, parents and students.  


Introducing technology into schools has typically been feared as a security risk. With modern technology, school IT security teams can proactively manage their digital security to remediate threats.  


Familiarising students with technology from a young age, teaches them how to use tech responsibly, creating confident explorers of the digital world. A healthy relationship with technology allows students to feel safe and prepares them for an immersive technological world.  


With a fully technological school, documents can be saved and stored securely, whether it is students’ work saved in a local folder to track progress, or administrative forms saved digitally for easy recall and GDPR protection.  



Apple devices for schools



Apple in the Classroom


Apple education technology expands what’s possible in the classroom. They seamlessly integrate with other applications and devices to further enhance the digital classroom with collaboration including live streaming. Any lesson can be recorded and automatically saved to the cloud for students to access.  


Enhance schoolwork with Apple’s suite of free and secure tools ready to install onto any Apple device. These apps are easy-to-use and built for education. The vast availability of apps prepared for Apple education devices allow teachers to automate administrative tasks. By spending less time-consuming hours on these tasks, teachers are freed up to focus on their students. 


Emerging technologies in the classroom enable teachers to offer more innovative and engaging lessons with learning experiences for a wide range of students? learning styles. Apple technology in the classroom also encourages curriculums focused on problem-solving, coding and STEM subjects, preparing students to address future challenges.   


Apple offers secure technology that keeps data protected. Each student can use a unique sign-on that keeps individual accounts secure. Teachers can restrict classroom activity and protect student privacy.  


Classrooms need to power education and make every student feel powerful. Apple iPads are inclusive with features like Speak Screen, which will read content aloud for students with visual impairments. They are not only easy-to-use but with features like VoiceOver, students can be walked through actions such as opening a document and discover how to use the device if they are unsure.  



Apple Education Pricing


The Australian Government has shown support in introducing more technology to schools by allocating more than $64 million, these funds are to support early learning and school STEM initiatives.  


Launching the Inspiring all Australian in Digital Literacy and STEM measure, the government supports 160 disadvantaged schools by providing digital technology to schools. 


LapCabby’s come in all shapes and sizes and make the perfect pairing to every piece of Apple education, they securely store iPads and mac books, whilst charging them at the same. These shelving units feature individual shelves allowing easy access and uninterrupted learning. 



Apple technology solutions for the classroom



The Future of the Classroom


Change is due to come, as 42% of Australians believe that the current curriculum offered by most schools is inadequate, and 30% of the population are not confident that current students are being prepared for future jobs. Teachers agree that something needs to be done, with 85% believing that standardized testing is ineffective and doesn’t truly assess the real abilities and knowledge of students. 


As technology advances and VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) enter into the classroom, a new dimension of learning will be added to the curriculum. Imagine students stepping inside an ancient Egyptian tomb in history class or taking a tour of the solar system in physics. AR makes it possible to bring virtual items into the classroom.  




Would you like to know more about how Apple solutions can benefit the classroom and improve learning experience? Reach out and our friendly specialists will be able to help.




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