Fully Connected with a New Network Infrastructure; 3D Printers Online receive a Scalable & Cost-Effective Solution Fit for a Growing Business

Posted by: Amira Bird

August 16, 2021

“The solution was exactly what we hoped for and has lifted the appearance of our office to a professional standard.” 

-Terry Jackson, Technical Operations Manager at 3DPO


3D Printers Online 

3D Printers Online is a rapidly growing Australian business that specialises in supplying the latest and most relevant products for 3D printing. Sourcing their products both domestically and internationally, their range includes products that will yield the best overall experience and value for money.  

3D Printers Online strives to provide its customers with both excellent customer service and ongoing reliable support.  


The Problem  

3D Printers Online’s existing network infrastructure had been built for their initial requirements as a business. However, as they began to rapidly grow, the system became constrained and started to impact their daily operations.  

With new team members joining, hardware such as their generic home router, no longer supported their on-site team and caused poor internet speeds and drop outs. As the majority of existing networking was installed on an adhoc basis, 3D Printers Online also faced an WH&S issue with power cables trailing everywhere.   

“Discussing the issue with Sydney ICT, we quickly came to a cost-effective solution that still provided Enterprise level hardware that will scale with the business for the foreseeable future.”  

Terry Jackson, Technical Operations Manager at 3DPO

The Solution 

After an on-site consultation, the Sydney ICT team knew they needed to create a solution that would be scalable to allow 3D Printers Online to continue to grow.  

“We knew from day one they needed a rock-solid network, and along with soft-wiring under desk power and cable management, to clean up the huge mess of cables and power boards lying everywhere.” 

Zach Brewer, Business Development & Sales Manager at Sydney ICT


Once we had the all-clear from Operations, our technicians spent 2 days on-site installing the new network that would not only give 3D Printers Online the scalability they need to grow but would solve their WH&S issues and give their offices the professional look needed for a business of their size.  

The Results 

Since the installation, 3D Printers Online have experienced 0 network dropouts. Their Wi-Fi connection and network is capable of handling the number of on-site devices and users. And, through their new network infrastructure, all of the devices on the network can be easily identified and managed with meaningful IDs.  

As well as this, Sydney ICT installed extra power under desk, ready for expansion and cleaned up the excess of cables and daisy-chains of power boards; allowing for new staff and solving existing WH&S issues.  

All of this was achievable at a cost-effective price that will continue to pay off as 3D Printers Online continues to grow.  

A thought-out and scalable network infrastructure is crucial for any growing business. Sydney ICT works with your staff at every stage to ensure that your new network not only meets your business requirements, but is cost-effective and easy to use.  

If your business is outgrowing your current infrastructure, as 3D Printers Online did, give our team a call and we’ll be able to create a solution that works for you.  

“Sydney ICT offers professional service at a reasonable rate. We’re enjoying growing as a business with their support.” 

Terry Jackson, Technical Operations Manager at 3DPO

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