Is Working Remotely the Future?

Is Working Remotely the Future?

Working remotely is the latest trend but not by choice. With Covid-19 forcing the world to move to remote working where possible, it begs the question, is remote working the future?  As the workforce transitions back to office work, it’s looking incredibly...
Best Technology for Remote Work

Best Technology for Remote Work

Remote work seems to be the hot topic of 2020. Even before Covid-19 forced companies to reevaluate their stance, remote work was gaining popularity with employees that wanted more flexibility.   However, there are a few things to consider for remote work. A big part...
Working from Home: Creating the Ideal Home Setup

Working from Home: Creating the Ideal Home Setup

One of the great things about working from home is that you have the freedom to create a setup that works best for you. Following the outbreak of Covid-19, it’s likely that businesses are going to start thinking differently about working from home. During the...